Organizing your content can be a difficult tasks. In this post we’ll go over 2 important aspects that will help you organize your content, categories and tags.


In the Yaml Front Matter you can specify categories :

title: Introducing Jekyll Blogging Engine
date: 2015-09-15T21:08:45+02:00
layout: post
categories: [jekyll, blogging]

As you can see here, 2 categories have been defined

  • jekyll
  • blogging

Jekyll will create a permalink to this post using the following URL :

http://[your blog address]/jekyll/blogging/2015/09/15/introducing-jekyll-blogging-engine.html

As you can see, the categories are included in the URL, just before the date.

Also note that you should see this as a category hierarchy jekykll/blogging. There are no indiviual jekyll and blogging categories created here.


The Yaml Front Matter also allows you to specify tags in the same way you specify categories :

title: Introducing Jekyll Blogging Engine
date: 2015-09-15T21:08:45+02:00
layout: post
categories: [jekyll, blogging]
tags: [github, github-pages, jekyll, blogging]
